Here is a list and details of the boards on fringechan.
Anime[edit | edit source]
A place to share anime and discuss Japanese culture.
Comic[edit | edit source]
Post all comics and related material here.
Duplicate images can be uploaded in separate threads but not twice in the same thread.
This board functions as place to dump images and discuss comics.
Astral[edit | edit source]
This board is dedicated to astral travelling and astral projection. Go into a trance and post your astral travels here. Meet others in the astral and interact with them too. Share achievements.
Edgy[edit | edit source]
Awakening the third eye, transcending causality, uncoditioning your mindprogramming, letting go of "sanity"
Fringe[edit | edit source]
/fringe/ is a board for esoteric discussion including matters pertaining to;
Magic : Philosophy : Paranormal : Dreams : Religion : Occult : Symbolism : Aliens : Demons & Angels : Metaphysics : Conspiracy : Secret Societies : Mind Control : Morality & Ethics : Quantum : Qualia : Psychic Abilities
– Anything that is fringe in some respect
New[edit | edit source]
Discuss news and politics here.
SS - Self Sufficiency[edit | edit source]
Prepare for collapse, share your survival tips, talk about your homestead, discuss race war, guess when the happening is, share knowledge, etc. here.
B - Random[edit | edit source]
Random discussion goes here.
Drama[edit | edit source]
All drama and identity/persona related discussion goes here.
Ask[edit | edit source]
A place where you can ask questions and Smiley will try and answer.
si - Self Improvement[edit | edit source]
The opposite of /edgy/. Here you can get advice and tips on your health and anything similar.
Grave[edit | edit source]
A place where unwanted threads go, instead of piling it on /b/. Also a place for spooky ghosts, skellingtons, and stories!